Commercial Dance

Commercial dance is the style of dancing performed in concerts, live shows, music videos, movies and of course, commercials. There are many different styles of dance that can be worked into the commercial category, such as hip hop, jazz, locking, popping, breakdancing and more.
Commercial is slightly different to Street dance as street dance is used to describe dance styles that developed outside of dance studios and instead have been formed out on the streets, in schools, play grounds or for adults, nightclubs. Street dancers often improvise their routine and encourage the crowd and the other dancers to interact with them.
Street dance is also used to describe all the hip hop and funk dance styles that began appearing in the United States in the 1970s. Most of the styles named above are still evolving within the dance culture of today and continue to fuse many genres together into an exciting and energetic way of moving.Commercial dance is most commonly performed to popular music, r'n'b and chart music and is a hit with boys and girls alike for an opportunity to develop their self-expression and the confidence to find their own way of moving.