
We follow Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Ballet and The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) in Tap and Modern. The Dance Company boasts 100% pass rate and results are consistently all Merits and Distinctions with many pupils gaining over 90% out of 100.


The examination process is OPTIONAL. Children are put forward for examinations when the teachers deem they are ready. There is no set age for any grade, merely minimum ages but no upper age limit. Some children are ready to take a Primary exam at 6 years where others may be 8 years.Examinations by the boards we follow are recognised on the National Qualifications Framework, which help pupils later in life when applying for Jobs, Universities or Dance Careers. Children who do not want to take part in examinations are required to achieve the correct level of attainment before being able to move up to the next grade. We highly recommend working towards examinations as the sense of achievement for each pupil is well worth the hard work.

Pupils grade 1 and above are strongly encouraged to attend twice a week as this allows pupils to gain in strength, technique and confidence. We are also happy to have students who come once a week to enjoy dancing and for older students, our Teen classes are perfect for this. From Grade 3 and above, it becomes imperative to attend twice a week purely due to the length and difficulty of the syllabus by this grade.


All exam pupils are required to attend 6 weeks of exam coaching classes prior to their examination. These have proved beyond doubt to give each student the confidence and knowledge to do their best on the day. Full examination details are given out when entries are decided. The Principals decisions on entries are final.

Progress Review

We hold progress review weeks prior to each examination term. Progress reviews are our opportunity to assess each pupil's development and keep a regular check that they are working at the correct level and where they are with their knowledge and technique. If we feel any changes to a pupils grade need to be made or feedback needs to be given, then we will get in touch with parents before the end of term. Otherwise, we are happy with their progress and will have enjoyed seeing all their work!

We also use the assessment weeks to identify candidates ready to take examinations in our next session and parents are notified accordingly.

The Dance Company Ltd
It is 22/10/24 21:15 and 12o few clouds; later Clouds, tomorrow . Wind Direction: WSW 240o, 3 mph. Sunrise: 06:47. Sunset: 17:04